welcome To
Anchorage Republican Women's Club
Empowering Women in Alaska Since Statehood.

About Us
We are an organization with almost 50 years in the city of Anchorage. We believe conservative, Republican women are the very heart and soul of our party.
We work diligently to elect “true” conservatives and hold them accountable for the beliefs below. We are proud to have helped elect three Republican Women to the Alaska State House of Representatives and two Republican Women to the Alaska State Senate. We believe we are in a current battle for the very essence of what America is.

We are Republicans because:
We BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored.
We BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age, or disability.
We BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth, and prosperity.
We BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
We BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.
We BELIEVE the most effective, responsible, and responsive government is government closest to the people.
We BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
We BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom, and human rights throughout the world.
We BELIEVE the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
No one said it better than President Ronald Reagan in his second inaugural address:
Two visions of the future, two fundamentally different ways of governing – their government of pessimism, fear, and limits, or ours of hope, confidence, and growth. Their government sees people only as members of groups. Ours serves all the people of America as individuals. Their lives in the past, seeking to apply the old failed policies to an era that has passed them by. Ours learns from the past and strives to change by boldly charting a new course for the future.
Ronald Reagan
In the next election take the time to read the GOP Platform before you vote for a “Republican!” Ask them if THEY have read it!!!
ARWC Standing Committees:
We are always looking for good women!

The committee shall make an annual review of the Bylaws and standing rules and make recommended changes to the Board. The Chair will present the proposed changes to the membership at the yearly membership meeting.
Candidate Recruitment/Campaigns.
The committee shall be aware of all campaigns in the Anchorage area and ascertain how the ARWC may be of assistance to the candidates. This committee interviews and vets candidates running for office. Members should have an interest in campaigns, and previous experience is welcomed. Vision for Victory, is under this committee.
Texting/Phone helps with texts and phone calls to notify members. Informs members of action alerts and updates Facebook.
Fund Raising/Special Events.
Fundraising develops creative, fun ways to raise funds for the purpose of supporting Republican candidates.
Special Events team to plan events such as summer salad luncheon on Lincoln Day Gala. Arranges for speakers and venues.
This committee keeps the Board and membership aware of pending legislation upon which the membership may want to take an action to encourage or discourage passage of that bill. During the legislative session, monthly articles for the Newsletter should be submitted.
This committee is responsible for recruiting new members and maintaining old members. The busiest time is the end of the year when renewals are due, Lincoln Day, and the July Salad Lunch.
Our Officers
2025 Executive Board

Judy Eledge

Portia Erickson
Vice President

Lindsay Williams

Shiela Cernich
Assistant Treasurer

Chris Duke

Carolyn Leman
Assistant Secretary

Stacy Stone Semmler
Past President
Standing And Special Committees
Bylaws/Rules/Legislative: Stacey Stone Semmler
Candidate Recruitment/Campaigns: Susan Fischetti and Portia Noble
Communications: Mary Rohlfing and Beth Farnstrom
Program/Americanism/Community Service: Carolyn Leman
Fundraising/Special Events: Entire Board
Membership: Judy Eledge, Gillian Dezzutto, and Lindsay Williams
Upcoming Events
Check Out What's Happening!
Exciting things are on the horizon at the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club (ARWC)! We have a lineup of engaging events that you won’t want to miss. From informative seminars and networking opportunities to fun-filled social gatherings. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of our vibrant community and make a difference together!
Join Anchorage Republican Women's Club

Are you looking for a community of like-minded individuals who share your values and aspirations?
Look no further – the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club (ARWC) welcomes you with open arms! Simply fill out our membership form and submit it online or send a check to Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, P. O. Box 240033, Anchorage, AK 99524-0033. Once you become a member, you’ll receive regular updates about our activities, events, and opportunities to get involved.
Any registered Republican or conservative woman who believes in the principles of the Republican Party and supports ARWC endorsed candidates.
Join Us Now
34th Legislative Session Begins
January 21, 2025
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